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why we need protein for muscle growth?

protein sources

Protein is the primary component of dry muscle. It is responsible for building and repairing muscle tissue, and it is essential for muscle growth 

- Building muscle is like constructing a building. Protein is like the steel, wood, and other materials used in construction. While water makes up most of the muscle, protein is the second most abundant component


- Even if you consume enough calories, low protein levels can hinder muscle growth. This is because your body will use the little protein it has to function first, instead of allocating it to your muscles


- Skeletal muscle growth is not the body’s top priority for amino acid fate. Instead, amino acids are primarily used for brain function, heart health, blood vessel maintenance, immune system support, and hair and skin health. If you are low on protein, your body may not allocate enough amino acids to your muscles for growth 

 we recommended protein power for more convenient: 

- 蛋白質是肌肉的主要成分。它負責構建和修復肌肉組織,對於肌肉生長至關重要。

- 增肌就像建造一座建築物。蛋白質就像鋼鐵、木材和其他建築材料。雖然水是肌肉的主要成分,但蛋白質是第二大成分。

- 即使您攝入足夠的卡路里,低蛋白質水平也會阻礙肌肉生長。這是因為您的身體會先使用少量的蛋白質來運作,而不是分配給肌肉。

- 骨骼肌生長不是人體氨基酸命運的首要任務。相反,氨基酸主要用於大腦功能、心臟健康、血管維護、免疫系統支持以及頭髮和皮膚健康。如果您缺乏蛋白質,您的身體可能無法為肌肉生長分配足夠的氨基酸。

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